Become a Member

Thank you for your interest in the Ennis Arts Association, please fill out the form to submit your membership application HERE.

Artistic ability and year round residency are not required to be a member of the EAA. Membership is a yearly fee of $20 and runs from January 2025 – December 2025.

The Ennis Arts Association is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Membership fees as well as fundraisers are used to support art in Madison Valley through programs, scholarships, and events held by the EAA.

In 2024 EAA supported the Ennis Science Fair, Madison County Fair, 2 Madison County Scholarship Recipients, 2 Shakespeare in the Schools Programs, and the Madison Valley Public Library.

Our organization hosted two large annual fundraisers: The Madison Valley Arts Festival including our popular art raffle and our first ever Blooms and Brushes Art in the Garden Tour. (see photo album: Madison Valley Arts Festival to view photos of the event and to download an application form if you are interested in having a booth in the coming year.)